PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families

Meg Perotti: Photographer Extraordinaire!

I spent Sunday afternoon in Los Feliz, one of the most amazing neighborhoods in Los Angeles. I was lucky enough to live there with Meg for a little over a year while attending grad school at USC. It was one of those things that just happened because of perfect timing, and we had some GREAT times living there together. I love that area so much and it was great to spend an afternoon there…

The purpose for our day together was to get some portraits of each other for our Web sites and blogs. And, thanks to some amazing locations around that area and some great light, we got some great images! It’s always a good time shooting with Meg, but normally we are shooting other people. It was quite a different experience to shoot each other, but it was tons of fun! If you have been reading my blog, even for just a little while, I’m sure you can tell that Meg and I are very close. We met while living in the dorms together at Cal State Long Beach, and we’ve been lucky enough to get going into this photography industry at about the same time. We have similar goals in business and in life in general, and our responses to the things that happen around us are often so similar, it’s surreal. We’ve shared some amazing experiences together (most recently– seeing an exclusive screening of the soon-to-be-released film Twilight complete with a conversation with the director!) and have fun together no matter what we’re doing.

I’m still going through all of the images, but this shot just popped out at me. First of all, how fabulous is Meg’s dress?? Totally Med Men-inspired. Second of all, doesn’t she look amazing? So elegant and ‘polished.’ (That last adjective is for you, Meg.):)



Naqoyqatsi: Life as War video

More from this shoot soon!

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