PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families

Los Angeles Family Photographer: Baby Sophia

I have been waiting to meet Sophia ever since I met Melissa and Todd last year at Sam & Justin’s wedding (See the wedding posts here: Part I and Part II). Todd is Sam’s brother and Melissa was Sam’s Maid of Honor, a very pregnant Maid of Honor, and just like I felt instantly connected to Sam and Justin, I felt connected to their whole family. They are the sort of family I just want to hang out with all the time and am so delighted and honored that I get to photograph them and even consider them friends.

Sophia is now six months old (I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by) and is such a joy. It’s amazing to see how early a personality develops… Just in the few hours I was with her, I can already see that she is compassionate, understanding, loving and so intelligent. She is a very special baby and I have no doubt she will grow into an exceptionally special person, with nothing but love and support from her entire family. When I got to Melissa & Todd’s house the day of the shoot, I asked them what they want to remember most about this moment in Sophia’s life, what they want to capture about her right now and remember forever. Melissa got a little teary-eyed when she told me she wants to remember most how happy she is, how small she is now, and the joy she brings… I hope these images will always remind you of that. 🙂

How cute is this pink tutu Melissa had for her??

I remember reading this story when I was little… such special moments.

A shot to emphasize just how small she is right now…

This was taken especially for Aunt Sam, who is a huge Disney fan and got these for baby Sophia. 🙂

Melissa and Todd got these flowers and bubble machine especially for the shoot! I love their planning and creativity!

Some simple family portraits… How gorgeous is Melissa??

And at the end of the shoot, Todd took this shot of me with Sophia. She is such a special girl and I look forward to seeing her grow up. We’re already planning to have a session every six months to document these times. 🙂

Love you and your whole family!

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