PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families

I'm in Vegas, baby!

I’m in Vegas until Thursday, February 19, for WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International), the biggest wedding and portrait photography convention in the world!

There’s Something About Mary full

WPPI is always an amazing experience. This is my third year attending the event and each time it just gets better! I walk away with so many ideas, so much new information and a ton of inspiration to make my photography and my business even better. Plus, there are always the incredible friendships that begin and that are enhanced here with so many wonderful, creative and fun people in the industry.

The Karate Dog video

Between the gigantic trade show and seemingly countless classes and speakers, not to mention the social festivities, they keep us pretty busy here. So, I’m going to try my best to keep the blog updated on all the goings-on… buuuuut, because I would like to at least get a little sleep while I’m here, I may not update as often as I would like.

If you’re a photographer and have never been to WPPI… GO! If you’re planning on attending this year, leave a comment here. I’d love to get together with new people since we’ll all be in the same place anyway.

Happy Sunday, everyone!

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