June was a busy, busy month for me. I thought July was going to be a little less hectic…. but with editing all of the shoots from June, and moving to a new place in Los Angeles, that’s proving to not be the case. And now, July is practically almost over! Seriously… where does the time go? When I was younger, I would often hear my mom say, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” As a kid, I had no clue what she meant, but as I get older I realize more and more that she was totally right. Time flies by so quickly and there is just so much to do in a day! You know what I mean?
One of the weddings I shot in June I second shot with Meg in the Los Angeles area of Hancock Park at a beautiful private home. Diana was marrying her beloved Jacob in a beautiful, heartfelt traditional Jewish ceremony. The evening was beautiful and I just love these images I was able to capture of their very special celebration.
The guests were greeted by this cute sign right outside the property.
Diana is STUNNING! I realize I use that word a lot to describe brides… but I mean it.
That Vera Wang gown was gorgeous. I love this style of gown! P.S. Diana needed no direction for these shots… she’s just naturally that fabulous.
Jacob was looking mighty nice himself.
A beautiful location for a backyard wedding.
Just My Luck full My favorite… or one of my favorites at least.
This is definitely a favorite, too.
And this one….
Is it cheesy to say that I think Diana looks more fierce than this lion? Yes? Oh well… I said it.
LOVED these centerpieces!
A cute moment before the ceremony of the flower girls playing some variation of patty-cake. So fun!
During dinner and the rest of the reception, my main duty was to man the photobooth. I LOVE doing this at receptions… It seems like everyone feels a little more comfortable being silly and fun when there’s a portrait light and white backdrop involved. Here are a few of my favorites.
Congratulations, Diana and Jacob! You both were so wonderful and I wish you all the best.
Amazing images Heather! I love the post production. Especally love the kids laughing.
Thanks so much for rocking this one with me! I know Diana is so excited about the images- couldn’t have done it without you! MUAH!
These are great! SO beautiful!
Gorgeous and so much fun
The photos are beautiful! Great job on these!!
Absolutely gorgeous!
love the detail shots!!