PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families

A Brand New Look!

I loved my old logo and I loved my old site- they were both clean and simple and totally served their purpose the past few years. But, sometimes things need a little revamp and I was feeling the itch for change around here. So, introducing the brand new look for Heather Kincaid Photographer!

Few people know this, but I actually got my start in visual creativity with graphic design. My parents are both graphic designers and have been since before using computers for graphic design was a thing. Can you imagine how that even worked? I remember as a very young girl my parents physically pasting together designs at a drafting table, shooting negatives, etc. I have been able to use a computer as long as I can remember and started learning Photoshop when I was 7 or 8 years old back with Photoshop 4. I tinkered with designing my whole life and often weighed in on my parents designs for clients with “I like that,” or “Try this here instead.” I resisted going the design route officially, but I had a few clients here and there once I got to college and realized it was a decent way to make a few dollars here and there in between second shooting for wedding photographers–I was doing that, too, all throughout college.

So, when it comes to designing my own branding, I find it hard to hire other people. Not because I think I’m the best at designing- I’m NOT. There are so many amazing designers out there that I totally admire and all of them would be better than I am at this. But, when it comes to designing stuff for my own brand, I just feel like I need to do it myself. Even if someone else could do it better, and I know they probably could, I feel good that it all comes from me.

I love that the logo I eventually chose (after many versions) is fresh and sleek and that it feels modern but not trendy. I love that it’s a little open and airy, just like I like my images. I wanted that my new site be super clean, but not lacking personality. I wanted to build a site that I wouldn’t mind living in–all the white space with the pops of color from the imagery makes me totally feel that way. And, of course, I wanted a super functional site for both computers and mobile devices that required as few clicks as possible to enhance the user experience, hence all the main info being on the main page.

los angeles wedding portrait brand photorapher web site
Above all, I wanted a logo, site and blog that would complement my images and not fight with them any way. I want my images to shine, to be the reason why someone hires me. The brand behind the images is just a simple, pretty, and modern container for it all.

I hope you like what you see! I’m so excited for all the new around here and look forward to this year and all that it will bring!

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