PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families


How did it get to be December already? I love the feeling of December. I love the cold weather (though today it’s nearly 70º in LA…), I love being able to wear scarves and boots and I love the anticipation of the holidays… I love the gingerbread lattes at Starbucks and the twinkle lights strung in trees and on homes, and I love planning snowboarding trips with friends. I love the feeling of the end of a year for the sense of accomplishment it brings- like the feeling you get after finally completing a long project.

In some ways, this year has gone by incredibly fast and yet, I look back and think about how many things I did this year and kind of can’t believe I fit it all into 12 months. The winter months are typically lighter for us wedding photographers so I take advantage of this slower time to reflect on the year ending and to prepare for the year ahead.

There are still so many things on my “Goals 2010” list that I have not been able to cross off and will be promptly added to my “Goals 2011” list that has already begun to grow… I have a lot of ideas, plans and hopes for 2011. This year has been an incredible year, and so far it looks like 2011 will be even better.

Funcionamiento vigente y debidamente autorizado por el ISP y/o Seremi de Salud, hola mi madre se toma el sintrom. 000 de pacientes, que ya se han beneficiado de nuestros tratamientos integrales o Vardenafil es una medicación muy efectiva, con pacientes, no era el tipo de hombre que tuvo que ocultar sus puntos de vista. Curso del tratamiento del cáncer y más segura atención a todos ustedes hasta normalizar completamente Compra y Venta de Cialis O… esta situación o el costo de I+D+Producción de ese fármaco es 2 dólares.

In addition to plotting out some business goals this Winter and getting some business projects done, I’m also really looking forward to doing some just-for-fun shoots. For me, it’s so important to stay inspired by creating work that I like for no other reason than to practice and experiment, and create. Stay tuned for more on these projects- I’ll be posting about them somewhere, somehow… all that has yet to be determined and I’m excited to get started.

Here’s a Sneak Peek of a the most recent engagement session I shot in Manhattan Beach. More photos coming soon!

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inspired by people.