PHOTOGRAPHER OFluxury weddings
& loving families

Alison & Steve: Continued

Finally I’m getting a chance to post the rest of the images from Alison & Steve’s engagement shoot.

Hayley and I had a great time driving out to Solvang. We had both been there when we were very young on a weekend trip with our Mom and Grandparents, so we had some vague memories of that little town. If you have never been there, I really recommend going if you’re wanting a little get away to a quaint, cute little village. It’s a town themed around Danish architecture, food and merchandise with bakeries and candle shops sprinkled everywhere throughout the town — and it’s only about 30 min North of Santa Barbara.

They also have some great vineyards in the area, one of which is called Bridlewood which was the setting for Alison & Steve’s shoot. The people there were great and had no problem with us shooting in and around the grounds. Love that!

Alison and Steve are getting married this fall in Santa Barbara and I’m so excited to shoot a wedding in that area! Especially for this couple… they are so sweet and are really fun to photograph. Their comfort with and fondness of one another shines through whether I’m “directing” a shot or they are just hanging out being themselves.

Alison and I actually met through my good friend Hillary, and Alison booked me without us ever meeting. We were able to hang out and get to know each other a few weekends ago at Hillary’s birthday in Palm Desert. I liked her immediately and we had a great time celebrating together. I’m so looking forward to their wedding, but until then, here are the engagement photos…

A simple portrait.



I love how vibrant Alison’s eyes look in the photo.


Trying to utilize a pretty bare vineyard…


Here’s a shot Hayley grabbed of me while in action.


This is pretty much my favorite shot of the day and it was taken by my lovely sister Hayley!  I processed it with a texture shot that I took myself while in Vegas at WPPI. I absolutely love what it adds to this shot.


Here’s a fun shot for a very willing couple. :)  Lay in the grass? Sure. No problem!


Love this one! I got in so close with my 28mm, and they weren’t even phased. They could totally act as if I wasn’t there…


A great last shot before leaving for the day.


Alison & Steve,

I had a great time with you guys! Hope you guys are enjoying Vegas!

As a present to Hayley for graduating college a couple weeks ago, we lingered around Solvang for a bit and then spent the night at a great hotel in Santa Barbara.  We took some time to get some fun shots of our mini vacation, which I’ll be posting soon.

Plus, I have a great wedding tomorrow!

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